Monday, April 25, 2016

Does the Media affect people's minds?

       Does the media affect the way people think? Some may never stop to think about it and just get on with their lives. They will never notice that everything around could possibly tie into something that the media has portrayed. It is as if we are living in a world that is simply controlled by the media. People are basically their puppets and thrive off of the media.

     With action films, children often tend to emulate the movie hero, engaging them to violent acts which would not be seen as acceptable but is in the child's mind because their hero was successful. Children often hurt themselves or others by trying to pull stunts they see in movies because they think it looked "cool". This is evidence that the media does actually have an affect on their minds because it is causing them to perform these acts. Violent video games have a strong influence as well. Kids play as violent characters that hurt people and commit crimes that the children may deem as, "looking like fun". This can cause serious repercussions to come up in an individual's life.

      The media absolutely has an affect on people's minds. Children grow up needing to have their fix of video games and social media. It's as if it is all their drug and they need it in order to survive. People are informed on how to do acts that are deemed controversial to society because of the media. When people are asked why they did something wrong, they sometimes say that they saw it online and it looked like fun to them. The media has taken control of the world today and it doesn't look like it'll change anytime soon.

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