Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Teenagers and the media

Teenagers are so wrapped up in their electronic devices these days. They spend all day on social media. Social media holds so many different things that poison the minds of teenagers. Studies show that teenagers that are using social media during the night tend to mess up their sleeping schedule and build anxiety and depressive traits.

      The things that teenagers see on social media can be toxic. There are different dangerous games that they will see and say that they want to try it because it looks "fun" or "cool". A couple of years ago there was a game that went viral called the choking game or something alone those lines. These kids would wrap a belt around their neck and choke themselves until they passed out. I don't exactly know why this looked fun to them but this led to several deaths.

      Social media is in control of the teenage world. It all seems to revolve around it. Teens seem to need social media to survive. They can't go a few hours without needing to check their phones to see what someone tweeted or what stupid thing is going viral next. Honestly, the things that teens are making go viral today is making me sick. They make me question if my generation is ever going to amount to anything. Social media has poisoned the minds of teenagers today.


  1. I agree with you. And many of the teenagers don't realize how social media can negatively affect their future. Most employers are checking the social media of their prospect employees and if they see something they don't like, they aren't going to hire you. And there is no way to hide or delete anything posted online. I personally enjoy social media. It keeps me busy, current, and makes me laugh however I am extremely careful as I realize the threat it poses on my future.

  2. I also agree with you. It's like you can't go anywhere without seeing someone staring at their phone. I never heard of the choking game, but most of the stuff on social media never benefits anyone. Social media has become such a norm these days that people constantly feel the need to update everyone on their lives a bit too excessively.

  3. I posted something similar on how celebrities in the media influence teenagers. Like you mentioned, teens are always on their phones and on numerous social media sites. Like you, I stated how teens see celebrities doing certain activities that teens think is "cool," leading them to act in the same way. It's crazy how easily influenced some people are.

  4. I agree with you. We spend way too much time on social media and are heavily influxes over it

  5. I agree that teenagers spend way to much time on social media. I work at a day care and even the older elementary school kids are spending hours on their tablets. We also have to monitor them closely when they are on them because they often wonder upon things that they shouldn't see.

  6. I agree. Childhood isn't that same as when we were younger. I played frogger on my computer probably like once a week for like ten minutes, if that. I was outside so much. It made me who I am today and I am afraid media will affect the way the younger generation is when they grow up.
